Chance Of Royal Flush In Texas Holdem

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The following table shows the number of combinations for 2 to 10 cards from a single 52-card deck, with no wild cards. For the purpose of this table, a royal flush, straight flush, flush, and straight must use all cards. A royal flush is defined as an ace-high straight flush. For example, with three cards, a royal flush would be suited QKA. Your chances of getting a royal flush are: (1/52). (1/51). (1/50). (1/49). (1/48) You thus have a 0.0032% chance per hand of hitting a royal flush. To obtain a 6 card royal flush, you would need a single specific card added to the straight, which has a 1/47 (47 being the number of cards remaining) chance of appearing.

My local casino runs a special prize for making a Royal Flush (RF) hand in Hold Em poker. The hand does not have to go to showdown, but both your hole cards must play (i.e. they must be 2 of the 5 RF cards). I was discussing the odds of making such a hand with other players and I got a lot of different feedback, none of which I felt was correct. Here is the scenario:
You have 2 of the 5 RF cards in the hole. Doesn't matter if they are As-Ks or Js-Ts, etc. What are the odds you will get a Royal Flush by street:
a) make RF by the Flop
b) make RF by the Turn
c) make RF by the River
My calculations were as follows:
a1) 19,599 to 1 on the flop
b1) about 5,000 to 1 on the turn
c1) about 2,000 to 1 on the river
The general consensus was the true value by the river was either 60,000 to 1 or 30,000 to 1 by the river. This seems totally nonsensical to me but I was in the distinct minority (i.e. it was only me!). Can someone with more probability know-how step up and provide a definite answer to this question?
Thank You.
I think I agree with your flop math: (3/50)*(2/49)*(1/48)=1 in 19600.
'So as the clock ticked and the day passed, opportunity met preparation, and luck happened.' - Maurice Clarett

My local casino runs a special prize for making a Royal Flush (RF) hand in Hold Em poker. The hand does not have to go to showdown, but both your hole cards must play (i.e. they must be 2 of the 5 RF cards). I was discussing the odds of making such a hand with other players and I got a lot of different feedback, none of which I felt was correct. Here is the scenario:
You have 2 of the 5 RF cards in the hole. Doesn't matter if they are As-Ks or Js-Ts, etc. What are the odds you will get a Royal Flush by street:
a) make RF by the Flop
b) make RF by the Turn
c) make RF by the River
My calculations were as follows:
a1) 19,599 to 1 on the flop
b1) about 5,000 to 1 on the turn
c1) about 2,000 to 1 on the river
The general consensus was the true value by the river was either 60,000 to 1 or 30,000 to 1 by the river. This seems totally nonsensical to me but I was in the distinct minority (i.e. it was only me!). Can someone with more probability know-how step up and provide a definite answer to this question?
Thank You.

Chances Of Hitting A Royal Flush In Texas Holdem

If you have 2 royal flush cards as hole cards the odds that you will make a royal flush by the river using those hole cards are combin(47,2)/combin(50,2) or 1081/2118760 or 1 in 1960. 1/10 the time you flop it. 3/10 it will be made on the turn and 6/10 on the river.
“Man Babes” #AxelFabulous

The general consensus was the true value by the river was either 60,000 to 1 or 30,000 to 1 by the river. This seems totally nonsensical to me but I was in the distinct minority (i.e. it was only me!). Can someone with more probability know-how step up and provide a definite answer to this question?
Thank You.

Because in terms of it just generally happening they were correct. It's only about one in 2000 to happen by the river AFTER you get Royal holecards dealt to you, unfortunately 97% of starting hands aren't two Royal cards.

Chance Of A Royal Flush In Texas Holdem

The probability of getting 2 Royal cards to start: 4*C(5,2)/C(52,2) = 40/1326 = 0.030166
The probability of the board containing the other 3 Royal cards: C(47,2)/C(50,5) = 1081/2,118,760 = 0.000510204
The probability of both events happening for you to win the high hand jackpot: 0.030166*0.000510204 = 0.00001539 = 1 in 64,974.

Chance Of Royal Flush In Texas Holdemlush In Texas Hold Em

The one in 30,000 number tossed around is the chances of getting any Royal Flush with zero, one, or two hole cards:

Chances Of Straight Flush In Texas Holdem

4*C(47,2)/C(52,7) = 1 in 30,940.