Ofc Poker Scoring

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Open Face Chinese Poker can be played by two, three or four players,
depending on the variation.
Using a standard 52 cards deck, the goal is to place 13 visible cards as follows:

Top Hand (3 cards) - Player’s least strong hand

Middle Hand (5 cards) - Stronger than the top hand
Bottom Hand (5 cards) - The strongest hand of all
  1. Open Face Chinese Poker Pineapple Scoring
  2. Ofc Poker Scoring Games

Scoring The stakes played for in Chinese poker are known as units or points: an amount of money agreed on per unit before the game starts. All scoring is done head-to-head, so every player must score up with every other player. The following scoring systems are the most commonly found ones: 1-6-rule in Chinese Poker. The most common scoring system is the 1-6-rule, where a player gets 3 extra points for a 3-0, called a “scoop”. Thus a 3-0 will give you 6 points, your opponent loses 6 points. With a 2-1 you get 1 point; the opponent loses 1 point.

Please note that this hand ranking rule applies to all OFC poker variations,
except Pineapple 2-7, for which you'll find specific rules in the Variations' chapter
Should a player fail to follow the hand-ranking sequence,
his hand is “fouled” and the player Busts.

In case the middle hand ties the bottom hand, the hand is not considered “fouled”.

When each player has finish setting up their hands,
they compare all the lines with each other.
The scoring system is the following:

- Winning two lines out of three: +1 point
- Winning all three lines: +6 points (Scoop)
- Fouling / Busting: -6 points
Therefore, the points for the lines will always be plus or minus 1, or plus or minus 6.
The only exception to that will occur when two players tie on a same row,
for example having a pair of Queens on top with an Ace kicker, in which case
the points will be Zero, or plus or minus 2, depending on who wins the other two lines.

On top of the points for the lines, extra points are rewarded as Bonuses
for special kind of combinations on specific lines.
Frequent bonuses for the Bottom row include 2 points for a straight,
4 points for a Flush, and 6 points for a Full House.
For the Middle row, you multiply those numbers by two to know your bonuses;
4 points for a straight, 8 points for a Flush, and 12 points for a Full House.
On top of those bonuses in the Middle, you will get a bonus of 2 points for making Trips.
Other bonuses for the Bottom line are 10 points for Quads,
15 points for Straight Flush, and 25 points for Royal Straight Flush.
Here again, you multiply those numbers by two to know your bonuses for the Middle row.
​As for the top hand, bonuses start at 1 point for a pair of sixes,

2 points for a pair of sevens, and so on, up to the maximum Bonus of 22 for Trip Aces.
Two simple tricks to quickly count your bonuses for the top line:
- Concerning a Pair, you
subtract the number 5 from the numerical value of your hand.
For exemple, a pair of 10 minus 5 will get you 5 points.
- Concerning a Set, you add the number 8 to the numerical value of your hand.
For exemple, a set of 10 plus 8 will get you 18 points.
In both cases, these numerical values are used for the following hands:​
Jacks = 11
Queens = 12
Kings = 13
Aces = 14

You should know the value of all bonuses by heart,
in order to be a successful OFC player!
You'll often have to make choices when in Fantasyland,
and this knowledge will help you make the best decisions.

Moreover, when you play Live OFC, these simple tricks
will save you precious time
while counting your score!
OFC Pineapple :

On the first draw, each player receives five cards that will have to be placed
on any of the three lines of their board, without being able to move the cards afterwards.
On the next four draws, each player receives three cards;
They need to discard one card and place the remaining two on their board.

Fantasyland: QQ or better on the top row results in a 14 Cards Fantasyland.
Fantasyland repetition happens when players make at least
Quads on the bottom row or a Set on the top row, while already in Fantasyland.

OFC Pineapple Progressive:
On the first draw, each player receives five cards that will have to be placed

on any of the three lines of their board, without being able to move the cards afterwards.
On the next four draws, each player receives three cards;
They need to discard one card and place the remaining two on their board.
Fantasyland: QQ or better on the top row results in a 14 Cards Fantasyland.
However, in this variation, the number of cards dealt in Fantasyland
will increase according to the value of the hand placed on the Top row:

QQ = 14 cards
KK = 15 cards
AA = 16 cards
222+ = 17 cards
Fantasyland repetition happens when players make at least
Quads on the bottom row or a Set on the top row.
In all cases of Fantasyland repetitions, a total of 14 cards will be dealt,
regardless to the number of cards dealt on the initial Fantasyland.

OFC Pineapple 2-7 :

On the first draw, each player receives five cards that will have to be placed

on any of the three lines of their board, without being able to move the cards afterwards.
On the next four draws, each player receives three cards;
They need to discard one card and place the remaining two on their board.
Pineapple 2-7 Specificity: The goal in Pineapple 2-7 is to set a a strongest hand
on the bottom row than on the top row, and the weakest possible hand
on the Middle line, also called the 'Low'
In the Low hand, the Ace is counted as the highest card, and in order to qualify,
the Low must be 10 High or lower, without any Flushes or Straights.
Royalties for the Top and the Bottom rows are the same as in regular Pineapple,
but the bonuses for the Middle row are the following in 2-7:

9 High – 1 point
8 High – 2 points
7 High – 4 points
75432 (Max Low) – 8 points
Fantasyland: KK or better on the top row, or 75432 on the middle row,
will results in a 14 Cards Fantasyland.
Both KK or better on the top row, and 75432 on the middle row at the same time,
will results in a 15 Cards Fantasyland.

Fantasyland repetition happens when players make at least
Quads on the bottom row or a Set on the top row.
In all cases of Fantasyland repetitions, a total of 14 cards will be dealt,
regardless to the number of cards dealt on the initial Fantasyland.

OFC Turbo :
This is the fastest paced OFC variation.
On the first draw, each player receives five cards that will have to be placed

on any of the three lines of their board, without being able to move the cards afterwards.
On the next two draws, each player receives four cards;
they will need to place all of them on their boards.

No cards are discarded in this variation that can be played up to four players,
since a total of 13 open cards will be dealt to each of them.
Fantasyland: QQ or better on the top row results in a 13 Cards Fantasyland.
Fantasyland repetition happens when players make at least
Quads on the bottom row, Full House on the middle row, or a Set on the top row.

OFC is not played per individual hand, but per complete round, also called a 'Set'.
The game uses a button to determine each player’s position,
and the player left of the button acts first during each hand.
Play continues clockwise until all players have acted,
and every player needs to get the button once in order to complete a Set.
The button does not move during Fantasyland, because it is part of the preceding hand.
As long as a player is in Fantasyland, the button doesn't change position.
Consequently, a complete Set with three players can lasts much more than three hands.

When a player is in Fantasyland, he is dealt all of his cards at once,
and will place them on his board without being able to see the the cards
of his opponents playing regular Open Face.
Fantasyland player's opponents play regular Open Face,
without being able to see the final board of the player in Fantasyland,
before the end of all their draws.

A player’s score is calculated sequentially, starting from the left of the button.
He counts his points with the players next to him clockwise,
up to the player on the button.
The remaining players then count their points following the same order.
A player cannot win more than he has in front of him,
however his
stack is updated after each calculation.
For example, if player A has only 2 points, is first to score against player B,
and wins 10 points; he will only receive 2 points, but he will be up to 4 points
available to win against Player C, for a maximum total of 8 points.

If a player loses all his points, he is considered all-in,
and he will have to wait the end of the Set in order to start a new game.

The Basics

OFC is played between either 2 players or 3. It can be played in a sit n go format or cash. In a sit n go, a player buys-in with a fixed amount (which is the minimum and maximum that the player would need to invest). A fixed number of hands are played in each round, after which the scores are reset and players can choose either to play again or quit. In the cash format, which is the more popular of the two, there is no system of rounds and after a player chooses a table of their preference, the game is played much like a 2 or 3-way game of Hold’em. The scoring format explained below holds good for both these formats. Unlike poker, this game is played without chips. A point system is followed to determine the score, with each point holding a certain value.

Game Play

The aim of this game is to set your best hand, and compare it against your opponent(s) to determine the scores. This is divided into 3 rows – bottom, middle and top. The bottom and middle row comprise of 5 cards each, while the top row comprises of just 3. So, an OFC hand comprises of a total of 13 cards (5+5+3). Based on poker hand rankings, players need to set their cards into these rows following one primary rule – the bottom hand must be stronger than the middle hand, and the middle hand must be stronger than the top hand. If this structure is not followed, you end up with a “Dead Hand”, which means that you earn 0 points in addition to the amount you lose to your opponent(s).
Each player is first dealt 5 cards face-up. A player then beings to construct his/her hand using these 5 cards. Once this round concludes, players are dealt 3 cards each (face-down), of which they must use 2 cards and discard one. This continues until each player has completed constructing his/her hand (5 rounds of play in total). Once each player sets his/her hand, points are calculated and compared against each other to gather the final tally. Players are dealt in a similar style to Texas Hold 'em, with there being a Small Blind, Big Blind and Dealer in three-handed games.


The game of OFC follows a point system, where players earn a set number of points for making certain hands. Each row is compared with your opponent’s respective row, and scores are calculated based on the points secured by each player. Each row comprises of one point, which means that if you were to beat your opponent in 2 rows, you would win 1 point from him/her (your two points minus opponent’s 1 point). If however you beat your opponent in all 3 rows – you would win a total of 6 points (known as sweep or scoop). Player scores are calculated clockwise, starting from the left of the button. This means that in a three-handed game, points are tallied first between the Big Blind and Small Blind, then the Small Blind and Dealer, and finally the Big Blind and Dealer.


Apart from the basic points system, players can earn Royalties for hands like a Flush, Straight, Full House, Trips etc. Hands have different points based on the row they are set in. The below table indicates how Royalties work for each row:
HandsBottom handMiddle Hand
Trips0 Points2 Points
Straight2 Points4 Points
Flush4 Points8 Points
Full House6 Points12 Points
Four of a Kind10 Points20 Points
Straight Flush15 Points30 Points
Royal Flush25 Points50 Points

Top Hand

2s0 Points10 Points
3s0 Points11 Points
4s0 Points12 Points
5s0 Points13 Points
6s1 Points14 Points
7s2 Points15 Points
8s3 Points16 Points
9s4 Points17 Points
10s5 Points18 Points
Js6 Points19 Points
Qs7 Points20 Points
Ks8 Points21 Points
As9 Points22 Points
Royalty points are counted and compared with the total tally while calculating the score, and the player with the most points wins. He/she will win an amount equivalent to the points scored times the value of each point. These Royalty amounts are earned by a player regardless of whether they win that particular row or not. Additionally, bonuses negate each other (for example if two players have a flush at the bottom row – while the player with the higher flush earns one point for the row – the royalty points will be 0 instead of 4).


Fantasyland is where you want to be! This part of the game is probably the most exciting, and rewards players with additional points. If a player manages to set Queens or better in their top row, they qualify for a “Fantasy Hand”. This means that once that round completes, an additional round is dealt – only this time, the player who had a fantasy hand gets dealt either 14-17 cards (depending on the variant) face-up at one shot and sets his/her best 13 card hand. Opponents are dealt their hands in the regular fashion (5+3+3+3+3). Additionally, a player can get a “recurring fantasy” hand if he/she manages to set either quads in the bottom row or by placing trips in their top row (in a fantasy hand). In this case, a player is dealt another fantasy in the subsequent hand. There is no limit to the number of recurring fantasy hands that a player can get.



Players in Fantasy are dealt 14 cards get to play any 13 of them, discarding any one. When a player qualifies for a recurring fantasy, he/she will be dealt only 14 cards in the next hand. Players can qualify for a recurring fantasy by placing in a Full House in the bottom row if they have a Full House in the middle row, as long as they don’t foul.


Players can be dealt up to 17 cards in fantasy depending on the strength of the hand in the top row 14 (QQ), 15 (KK), 16 (AA), 17 (three-of-a-kind). Players need to manage quads or better in the bottom row or three-of-a-kind in the top row to qualify for a recurring fantasy. Players will only be dealt 14 cards in recurring fantasy.

Open Face Chinese Poker Pineapple Scoring


Players can be dealt up to 17 cards in fantasy depending on the strength of the hand in the top row 14 (QQ), 15 (KK), 16 (AA), 17 (three-of-a-kind). Players need to manage quads or better in the bottom row or three-of-a-kind in the top row to qualify for a recurring fantasy. Players can be dealt up to 17 cards in recurring fantasy, depending on the hand they originally entered fantasy with.

Ofc Poker Scoring Games


Poker Variations

Poker Rules

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Poker Strategy

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