Probability Roulette System

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Want to know how to win roulette? Here is a free roulette strategy for you based in statistics and probability.
  1. Probability Roulette System Chart
  2. Probability Roulette Systems

Still, many players believe the theory of probability works and can influence the course of a roulette session. In this article, we are going to consider the main roulette probability problems. Frankly speaking, it is impossible to predict how the ball will behave in roulette. Intuition and inner voice are the only things that can guide the player. .the Roulette Probability System is not a gambling system as such, as you'll find out once you use it. The profits you make from the RPS are minimal but consistent and it's as I said, I derived the RPS from what I learned in the trading world. This entry was posted in Roulette Probability and tagged American roulette, European roulette, house advantage, roulette, Roulette Probability on June 9, 2018 by adminrm. Post navigation ← How to Win on Roulette in Ladbrokes with a Professional Roulette System Roulette Robot: Are There Programs That Can Win at Roulette →. Learn how to play Roulette, Baccarat, and Craps with over 32,000:1 probability in your favor or 99.99694% chance of winning! That's THREE games you can play for the cost of just one gambling method! Add it together with this 'See Saw System' and you'll be a true force to be reckoned with in the casinos. This program is also a great complement to the free roulette system #1 presented on the Roulette page. According to the system, it is recommended to play after 2 consecutive '-' in the 'Result +/-' column. The winning system #1 and winning system #2 represent the best FREE winning roulette strategies available anywhere!

First thingsfirst.Lets start with some basics aboutprobability and then we can move on to a roulette strategy that you can use tobeat the casino with.
By definition:
PROBABILITY (Statistics)
  1. Therelativepossibilitythataneventwilloccur,asexpressedbytheratioofthenumberofactualoccurrencestothetotalnumberofpossibleoccurrences.
  2. Therelativefrequencywithwhichaneventoccursorislikelytooccur.
In layman terms:Probabilityis the likelihood of somethinghappening in the future. It is usually expressedas a number between zero (can never happen) to 1 (will always happen), or in fraction,decimal or percent form.
Sunrise tomorrow: 1; 1.0; 100%
Tails on a single coin flip: 1/2; 0.5, 50%
Rolling a 6 on a dice: 1/6; 0.17; 17%

In the game of roulette (French Roulette with 37 numbers),this is the Excel formula for calculating the probability.

  • A3 = Amount of numbers.
  • U3 = Amount of spins.
Example:Suppose you want to know what the probabilityof 18 numbers showing up in 11 spins is?We would plug those numbers into the above equation.

Probability Roulette System Chart

= 1-(((37-18)/37)^11)
= 0.99934
That means that there is a 99.934% probability that one ofthe 18 numbers in a European roulette wheel (single 0) will show up within 11spins.That also means that even thoughthere is very little chance that at least one of the 18 numbers will show up in11 spins, there is still a chance.A 0.065%chance or less than 1 in 1000.
Here is a simple roulette system based on statistics and standarddeviation using what you now know about roulette probability.
The following is the calculation needed to determine theprobabilities we are looking for.
StandardDeviation/Probability formula (Excel):

Probability Roulette Systems

Spinsto Skip = (LOG(1-0.999)/(LOG(1-(B2/37))))
  • 0.999 = 99.9% chance of a hit
  • B2 = Amount of numbers to bet on.
  • 37 = Total numbers on French Roulette wheel.
Example:To calculatethe Spins to Skip for 18 (Even Chance Bet) numbers at a 99% probability beforestarting a betting progression.
= 7
What thismeans is that there is a 99% probability that 18 (Even Chance Bet) should havehit within 7 spins and that there is a 1% probability left that one of themwill hit after that.
Now if wecalculate the number of Spins to Skip for 18 (Even Chance Bet) numbers at a99.99% probability to see how the optimum amount of progressions to use.
= 14
So, here wesee that 18 (Even Chance Bet) numbers will have shown up with a 99.99%probability in 14 spins.
Nowcalculate the progressions:
Number of Spins to Bet = 14 spins - 7 spins=7 spins
NOTE:Withreference to Even Chance Bets.Instead of betting 18 individual numbers, weuse the outside Even Bets to cover the 18 numbers.This allows us to use a much smaller bankrollthan betting on 18 numbers individually could afford.
Probability roulette system free
If we use alimited progression roulette betting strategy going from spin 7 to spin 14,there is a 99.99% probability that one of the 18 numbers will have hit.This means that 99 out of 100 times one ofthe 18 numberswill hit between the 7thand 14th spin.That's only a 1 in 10000 chancethat one of the 18 numbers will nothave shown up in those 14 spins.A verysmall chance indeed.
If you playa small progression over those 7 spins and it does bust, then you are really,really unlucky and met up with the extremes of probabilities.You only have a 0.01% chance that one of the 18won't show up.
Note thatin extreme cases, the Spins to Skip can go much higher than 14.At 99.999%, the spins go to 18.Although, these are extremely rare occurrences,they can happen.Because the bankroll togo from 7 spins to 18 spins is far out of reach of most of us, we use a limitedprogression from spins 7 to 14.This optimizesour betting, keeping our bankroll modest, focused in a narrow range and givingus a high probability of hitting those 18 (Even Chance Bets) numbers within 7spins.
Probability Roulette System
START WINNING TODAY!Click the picture link below to get a FREE Android Application based on the above strategy and start beating roulette today!