Things You Can Do To Stop Gambling

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If your gambling is causing problems in your life, there are things you can do to stop it being an issue. You can take steps to change your life.

Set some goals

Setting short-term and long-term goals may help you to stay focussed and clear about cutting down or giving-up your gambling. Check out the 100 Day Challenge for inspiration.

Avoid high-risk situations

Things You Can Do To Stop Gambling Losses

High-risk situations like use of credit cards, taking out loans, carrying large amounts of money with you, socialising in gaming venues or gambling as a reaction to emotions will make it difficult to control or stop your gambling.

Face the feelings

Things You Can Do To Stop Gambling Winnings

  • Online gambling, things to avoid: Online gaming is enjoyable for the player, but some of the gambling stuff you need to avoid. If you don’t stop these things, you will put yourself in danger. Veterans could know something you can avoid, but you have to know if you are a newbie before you begin playing online.
  • My pleasure, it is within us to stop. When it seems like life is not worth living, just remember, your life is worth living. You are stronger than gambling, you can achieve great things, you know you can because you have already. Tomorrow willl be one step closer to happiness, and the day after that will be one step closer than the day before.

Becoming aware that you could be experiencing harm from gambling may cause feelings of shame and guilt.

For families, gambling can be a problem, given the age limit of 21-plus that bars kids and young ones from getting in, and for others, it can be quite a drain on the pocketbook. That's why some have looked for religious solutions to casinos or are speaking out about their problems first-hand in groups. You have alot of us on here you can talk to. I'm 23 and in 15k of debt, was once 25k. Yes it's a slow climb on this mountain of debt but think about where you will be in 1-2 years if you don't gamble. Believe me you can stop, we can all stop. I'm on day 11 after 5 years straight of gambling or thinking of gambling every day. As long as the money you pull out of the bank was only ever intended for gambling you can do what you please with it. Just don’t take your household account’s debit card into the casino with you. Don’t use that account to fund your online gambling. You have to be disciplined about managing your money.

Self-blame and self-harm can increase stress and may urge you to gamble more.

Things You Can Do To Stop Gambling

Be kind to yourself. However, acknowledging the problem and taking steps to seek help can help you change your life for the better.

Talk about it

Talking about gambling problems with somebody you trust and someone who won't judge you can ease the pain of bottling it up. It can also reduce the stress that can cause you to continue to gamble.

There is no doubt that if you have help from your spouse and close friends you are more likely to succeed. Make an effort to explain your problem to people close to you.

Once you can admit that you have a problem and may have hurt them, they will be barracking for you.

Coming clean - Talk about the lying

When people lie about gambling and debts, they may sometimes try to gamble their way out of debt, so they won't have to ‘come clean'.

This usually leads them further into debt.

Coming clean about gambling with a trusted person can relieve pressure and provide the space to prepare a more thoughtful plan for recovery.

Ask for help

If you are finding it difficult, you do not have to handle your issue with gambling on your own. A support person makes it easier, especially if you're experiencing harm caused by gambling.

This person might be a spouse, parent, friend or counsellor. Many people seek professional help.

Gambler's Help has free, confidential help, advice and support services available 24/7. Call 1800 858 858.

Try to find an alternative to gambling

Some gamblers may spend 10–20 hours or more a week gambling. They also spend a lot of time thinking and worrying about their gambling. Many people also start gambling in the first place because they don’t know what else to do. Try to find an alternative recreational activity or hobby to fill the gap.

There are lots of ways to do this:

  • Plan ahead
  • Reconnect with family and friends if you have neglected them while gambling
  • Take another part-time job
  • If you are a lunch-time gambler, go somewhere different with workmates, arrange to meet someone, take a sandwich and read a book, go for a walk or a jog
  • Take up a hobby or a sport
  • Set short-term and long-term goals
  • Look at other things you can do to ‘treat' yourself
  • Make your home an interesting place to be in, with interesting things to do
  • Return to other things you enjoyed before you started to gamble too much

Prepare for a lapse

A lapse occurs when you gamble again after deciding to stop. You do not have to continue to gamble if this happens to you. You can use this to learn more about what triggers your gambling. Examine what worked and what didn't work with your plan.

You can kick the habit. However, you must be fair to yourself. It can be hard to stop gambling or keep it under control.

You can often predict when gambling will reoccur. You are more likely to lose control when you have bad times in other parts of your life that make you feel sad, anxious, angry or depressed.

When you feel this way, it's challenging to stick to your plans, as you may feel an urge to go back to the old habit.

When you feel like you might gamble again, or if you do gamble again, here are some things you can do:

Things you can do to stop gambling addiction

Contact Us

Put your hand up for help. We offer confidential, professional, free advice and support to anybody affected by gambling (your own gambling or someone else's).

Telephone and online help are available 24/7 and we can also give you the contact details for your local Gambler's Help for one-on-one counselling sessions, including financial counselling.

For privacy, we can also refer you to a service outside your local area if you prefer. Calls to the Gambler’s Help telephone help line and access to the website are free and won't be listed on your phone bill.

  • Gambler's Help on 1800 858 858
  • Gambler’s Help Youthline on 1800 262 376

100 Day Challenge

Rediscover life outside gambling with the 100 Day Challenge. Discover new activities, share tips, get support and connect with other challengers in the online community forum.

Peer Connection

Things You Can Do To Stop Gambling Money

Peer Connection is a free, confidential and easy-to-access telephone support service for people struggling to stop/control their gambling and for people impacted by another person’s gambling.

All our peer support volunteers have experienced gambling harm themselves and can share their own stories of hope and recovery.

Sometimes speaking with a person who has ‘been there done that’ can be helpful for your own recovery, especially when it’s difficult to talk to others about it.

Find out more about Peer Connection.

Self-exclusion from gaming venues and websites

Self-exclusion is a free program where you ban yourself from gaming venues and/or online gambling.

Things You Can Do To Stop Gambling Addiction

Read more about Self-exclusion.

Unsubscribe or Opt-out

Opt-out of gambling company marketing messages, such as special offers and other inducements by turning off your gambling app notifications in your phone or internet browser settings.

You can also unsubscribe from emails using the small ‘unsubscribe’ link usually found at the bottom of emails.

Money management

Getting your finances back in control can help give you the breathing space you need to deal with the other problems gambling is causing in your life.

Read more about money management.